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Need to continue search for "Peter" in remaining gospels (Luke and John) and also chronicle Peter's activities from the book of Acts.

Basically I'm trying to get the big picture of the arc of Peter's life. It seems like for most of his life he doesn't get it, or it seems like he gets it in one place and then in the very next verse or the very next chapter he seems to forget what he just learned, e.g., "Get behind me Satan" right after he confesses Jesus is the Christ or his need of Paul’s rebuke later in Acts.

This research was prompted by something Pastor Mike mentioned in a sermon this week, but is also pertinent to a talk by Spencer Kimball where he defends Peter's denial of Jesus (Peter, My Brother). I find it interesting to study the life of Peter and realize he was a sinner like me, not some untouchable sinless hero.

Avatar.png 23:25, 7 December 2009 (UTC)

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