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ekklēsia used not necessarily of the NT church

Ac 7:38; 19:32, 39, 41; 20:28 (alludes to Ps 74:2); Heb 2:12 (cites Ps 22:22); Heb 12:23

synagōgē used of the church

Jas 2:2

Jon Stoddard did a word search for me of ἐκκλησία in the LXX: [1]

Grudem’s Systematic Theology chapter 44 section A.5. has a number of biblical proofs that the church is the new Israel. I should document those here.

Mt 16:18

What Hebrew or Aramaic word did Jesus actually say that is translated into Greek as ἐκκλησία in Mt 16:18? If, as dispensationalists allege, the church is a people of God wholly separate from Israel, to avoid ambiguity, what word could Jesus have used that was not already used of the assembly of Israel?

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